Tuesday 25 March 2014

"First, They Came For The Catholics"?

Oh, purr-lease!

The ones in Iraq never bothered you, at least not until it was too late.

The ones in Syria never bothered you at all; in fact you disgracefully compared Mother Agnes to the Brown Priests, yet you now give uncritical coverage to actual Brown Priests who display the image of Stepan Bandera.

The ones in the Holy Land have never bothered you in the least. Indeed, you have gone to great lengths to ensure that the public has been left unaware of their existence, never mind of the true origins and character of Arab nationalism and of the modern concept of Filastin.

I shall believe one word of this new-found concern when those advancing it, even if we are to confine ourselves to Catholics of the Byzantine Rite such as are also found in Ukraine, give a platform to Mother Agnes or to Mar Elias Chacour, each of whom deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

We all know the world leader who did act to save the Melkites, along with all the others, in Syria. He has also been forging an alliance with this Pope, as with the last one.

A new Cold War is obviously what the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church needs, isn't it? After all, that body thrived so well during the old Cold War.

If supporters of the tendencies that are now expressed as Svoboda and as Pravy Sektor happen to be nominal Catholics, or cultural Catholics, or regular Mass-goers, or priests (and they have been all of those things in the past), then what of it?

They must pay the price of their Fascism and Nazism, and of the shame and danger that those have brought on and to the Church and Her members.

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