Saturday 1 March 2014

To and From

I do not mean this flippantly: how does one send a letter to somebody who is on the run?

On Northern Ireland, see John Bew's Letter from Belfast in this week's New Statesman. It is not yet online.

Among other things, it points out that the founders of the Irish Free State were prepared to accept, in return for independence, a much lower standard of living than remaining in the Union would have delivered.

Whereas neither the Scots, nor the culturally Nationalist minority in Northern Ireland, would be so prepared.

One should add that nor are either place's Unionists remotely interested in the public expenditure reduction favoured by the right-wing London think tank circuit.

That includes the Tory Unionists, both in Scotland and in Northern Ireland, whether or not they have anything to do with the Conservative Party.

Like everyone else, ever, they are in the Union for the money. There has never been anything wrong with that.

Oh, and of course the Unionist parties in Northern Ireland always knew all about those letters to the IRA. It is how those letters were ever sent that baffles me.

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