Thursday 6 June 2013

A Sign of The Times

Oliver Kamm's Times Online site on Tumblr is no more.

He and his band of occasional contributors are now back on Comment Central, behind the paywall of the man who was unable to attend Margaret Thatcher's funeral for fear of arrest if he ever again sets foot on these shores. How is fallen the patron of Thatcher, of Tony Blair, of George W Bush, of John Howard, even of the mighty Oliver Kamm. Who is going to pay to read that last? Who would pay to read any of them?

Like everyone on The Times, Kamm's salary is already paid by Sun Bingo and by Page Three. But for how much longer? Not least with pretty much everyone connected to The Sun about to become the guests of Her Majesty that, in a different sense, they always so resented their dependants on The Times for being from time to time. Those of them, that is, who are not already enjoying the Royal hospitality.

Sincerely heartfelt commiserations to Kamm and to the rest of his little gang from at least this little corner of the profitable media. Kamm did somehow manage to have my Google Ads taken away, back when being a Murdoch courtier meant something very different from its meaning today. But he was never able to deprive me of my PayPal button. Do please feel free to use it. As so very many of you do, so very often and so very generously.

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