Thursday, 26 April 2012


How can a drug as powerful as the Pill ever be used other than under the strict direction of a physician, never mind be used on the body of an early adolescent? And obviously, it has no purpose except to facilitate sexual intercourse. There is no comparison with vaccination against cervical cancer, which may or may not encourage a young girl to become or remain sexually active. Putting her on the Pill can have no other purpose. Hiding this sort of thing from parents is the classic behaviour of the child abuser and his victim.

Femaleness has been classified as in itself a medicable condition by means of the contraceptive pill, which is simply not a medicine at all. It is, in point of fact, a poison, designed precisely to stop healthy body parts from performing their natural functions, and accordingly attended by all manner of horrific side effects, for no reason except to make women permanently available for the sexual gratification of men, and despite the unrivalled effectiveness of Natural Family Planning if it is taught and practised properly, a practice only possible by a faithful married couple. The Pill, in turn, has wrought havoc by filling our water supply with synthetic oestrogens.

Following logically, maleness itself has also been so classified, leading to the heavy medication of boys purely for being boys, by means of Ritalin and other powerful “treatments” for largely or entirely invented conditions. The impact of antidepressants on the rise of violent mental illness, especially among young men and teenage boys, also calls for the most unflinching examination. As does the impact of cannabis on the rise of schizophrenia, and by extension also on lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, brain tumours, serial miscarriage, low birth weight, male and female infertility, impotence, and a huge number of other conditions.

Public money is lavished on those who bear the name of Marie Stopes, author of extravagant, versified love letters to Hitler. Marie Stopes, who disowned her own son because he married a woman who wore glasses. Marie Stopes, who campaigned for the compulsory sterilisation of “the C3 population”, of “half-castes” and of “revolutionaries”, among numerous others. Marie Stopes, who opened dozens of clinics in working-class areas to reduce the number of “undesirables” by persuasion if force were politically impossible. Yet those clinics now retain the right to “counsel” women considering the abortions that they have a gigantic financial and an immeasurable ideological interest in ensuring go ahead.

They still carry the name of Marie Stopes. Our televisions now carry their adverts. Our 50p stamps have recently carried her image. And we all carry the shame. As they do across the Atlantic, where tax dollars fund the heirs of Margaret Sanger, whose stated primary objective was always to prevent black babies from being born, the objective still pursued above all others by her successors, so that “Planned Parenthood” would more accurately be called “Planned Genocide”.


  1. Well there is a litany of errors and accusations could be laid at the feet of Christianity over the years...

    And oddly enough, religiously conservative societies have the highest rates of teen pregnancy, whereas socially liberal societies have tend to have lower rates of teen pregnancy (not to mention low rates of divorce, single parent families, abortion, violent crime and social inequality).

    Admittedly there are exceptions, but in the main, what needs to be promoted is responsibility (of parents and children) not Christian morals which as the USA demonstrate just results in moral decay - 50% church attendance - higher in BIble belt and yet still some of the the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the Western World (as Ma Palin's daughter demonstrates) - and higher in religiously conservative states. As they are high in all religiously conservative societies.

    Good sex education, good parenting, a liberal and tolerant attitude to sex and sexuality and an emphasis on self-reliance and social responsibility are what is needed. Christian moralising has never come up with the goods and just results finger pointing and name calling.

  2. Drivel.

    But taught in schools, like the drivel about drugs.

  3. Show me where this is drivel..? I could bore you with the stats. But since you are the one calling me a liar - that is up to you (odd how Christians are so good at doing this when awkward facts are presented to them).

    I see you're incapable of reasoned debate and so spend your days filling the internet with your own brand of drivel... and do I detect it flavored with a hint of Lithium citrate... I suspect the answer to that one is... yes (or it should be if it ain't!).

  4. See today's post about the Netherlands.
