Sunday, 22 April 2012


Peter Hitchens writes:

After the 1976 drought, there was much talk of a national water grid. I wonder if this would have been built by now  if the water industry had not been privatised? Increasingly,  I cannot understand why Tories think privatisation is automatically good. It isn’t.


  1. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  2. I suppose, in theory, if we have a national grid for gas and electricity there should be no objection to one for water. But instead of those in the south east demanding an importation of water from the north and west where there is a plentiful supply, why not try something a little different. Instead of sucking everything into the south east, why not locate the factories and businesses to the north and west and share the employment cake a little more generously around the country? Simple, really.

  3. Good blog Mr.David. Keep up the good work.
