Monday 18 October 2010

Fox Off

Whingeing on Fox that Russia is honouring the returned spies who did almost nothing and who never obtained any classified information. Compare and contrast the coverage or lack of it (on Fox or anywhere else), and the treatment in general, of Stewart Nozette, Steve Rosen, Keith Weissman, Ben-Ami Kadish, and others besides.

Just as Fox viewers' efforts to draft Andrew Napolitano for the Senate race in New Jersey in 2012 could be seen off by a Democratic Presidential candidate who offered him Deputy Attorney General in order to help repeal Bush's assaults on constitutional liberty, so that same candidate should offer the position of Deputy National Security Advisor to Philip Giraldi, especially since the Israeli spy network will by then have succeeded in keeping the United States Senate black-free.

No Republican is ever going to do either of these things. How would paleocons react if a Democrat offered to do them?


  1. There is absolutely no dispute about Kadish's guilt, but they let him off with a fine because of his age. He is four years younger than John Demjanjuk.

  2. Giving Giraldi a job would also keep him from entering the GOP primary with a view to challenging Jim Webb, most likely a supporter of the Democratic Presidential hopeful in question. As you know, Webb endorsed Obama against Clinton. There is talk of PJB against him, though.

  3. Paleos such as Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts served under Reagan, so why couldn't they, Giraldi, Napolitano, whoever serve under dang near anyone in the right job and subject to the usual responsibilities? You are right that a kind of Dem could give them jobs but no-one that could ever get the GOP nomination ever would.
