Friday, 22 October 2010

Patria o Muerte

And, indeed, La Siempre Fidelísima Isla.

Not all Cuban dissidents are good, just as not all Soviet dissidents were good (Sakharov was at best overrated, and many were a lot worse than that), not all South African dissidents were good, and so on. But a Cuban dissident has been awarded the Sakharov Prize, much to the consternation of its body of unreconstructed Stalinist members.

In the European Parliament, and in the coalitions represented in the Council of Ministers that publishes no Official Report, we are subject to the legislative will of Stalinists and Trotskyists, of neo-Fascists and neo-Nazis, of Eastern Europe’s kleptomaniac nomenklatura, of neoconservatives such as now run France and Germany, and before long both of the ruling Islamists in Turkey and of their opponents, variously extreme secular ultra-nationalists and Marxist Kurdish separatists.

When Jörg Haider’s party was in government in Austria, the totally unreconstructed Communist Party was in government in France. In the Council of Ministers, we were being legislated for by both of them. In the European Parliament, we still are, because we always are. People who believe the Provisional Army Council to be the sovereign body throughout Ireland may not take their seats at Westminster, but they do at Brussels and Strasbourg. And so on, and on, and on.

Who will propose the relevant amendments to restore the supremacy of British over EU law, to require that British Ministers adopt the show-stopping Empty Chair Policy in the Council of Ministers until such time as it meets in public and publishes an Official Report akin to Hansard, to restore the mysteriously discontinued annual votes on the Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policies, to use those votes to demand the abolition of those Policies, and to disapply in the United Kingdom anything passed by the European Parliament unless the majority of MEPs voting for it has been drawn from among those certified as politically acceptable by at least one seat-taking member of the House of Commons? Who would dare vote against such amendments?

No MP who knew that in the course of each Parliament, as a matter of routine, each party submitted to a binding ballot of the whole constituency electorate its locally determined internal shortlist of two for Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. No actual or aspirant Party Leader who knew that in the course of each Parliament, as a matter of routine, each party submitted to a binding ballot of the whole national electorate its locally determined internal shortlist of two for Leader. No MP who knew that there was a ballot line system, such that voters would be able to indicate that they were voting for a given candidate specifically as endorsed by a smaller party or other campaigning organisation, with the number of votes by ballot line recorded and published separately.

Those devices would not only ensure that we were liberated from the legislative will of foreign Stalinists and Trotskyists, neo-Fascists and neo-Nazis, neocons and Islamists, among so very many others. They would also ensure that we were liberated from that of our own, who have used and who do use various false flags in order to secure membership of the House of Commons, and who are now more and more likely to do so in view of the extreme fewness and the advanced ages of the members of political parties, at least until such time as electoral reform provides us with the opportunity to give ourselves proper parties again.

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