Thursday, 15 April 2010

Rising Power

China will be using the coal ash from her coal-fired power stations to provide the uranium necessary for her nuclear power stations. There is a reason why some countries last and some don't. China has been China for five thousand years.

This perfectly beautiful programme has been developed in partnership with Canada, source of much of our uranium, which we also obtain largely from Namibia, and from Australia when the government isn't made up the ecomaniacs who have, alas, taken over the ALP and disenfranchised its natural supporters. Who says that Commonwealth ties don't matter? The ruling faction of the ALP is as anti-monarchist as it is hostile to the proper jobs and the energy security that nuclear power provides.

Apparently, British coal is too high-quality to deliver uranium. Just as well that we have the Commonwealth, then. But the right sort of coal is abundant in Spain, Germany and Poland. Good luck to them. And good luck to the Japanese, who are looking into extracting uranium from seawater. Yes, seawater. Have we any of that? I think we have.

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