Saturday 10 April 2010

Mythical Maggie

On Straight Talk, Malcolm Pearson claimed that he had been "loyal to Margaret Thatcher" by joining UKIP. Margaret Thatcher is a fictional character, completely unrelated to the record of the Prime Minister of that name, a record, and thus a Prime Minister, entirely forgotten by almost everyone.

Pearson says that he will soon name the MPs against whom no UKIP candidate will be put up. He has already named three, unprompted by Andrew Neil. Oh, well, since there will be Labour and Lib Dem members on the Tory benches in the next Parliament, there may as well be UKIP members, too.


  1. So presumably Lord P was for the Single European Act and Sterling joining the ERM then?

  2. He says that she was against them. But they always do, of course.
