Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Clueless Clegg

The commitment to abolish church schools is still there.

The raising of the income tax threshold is a gimmick if it is to be done apart from a wholesale restructuring which, among many other things, guaranteed everyone a tax-free income of at least half national median earnings at the given time.

And we only imprison so many people because it has been made so much easier to obtain a conviction. The Lib Dems are quite good at opposing the erosion of civil liberties. But they wholly miss the point that, if liberty were restored, then so could and should be proper sentencing, since we would once again be able to have confidence in convictions.


  1. "Allow parents to continue to choose faith-based schools within the
    state-funded sector and allow the establishment of new faith schools"

    How is that a commitment to abolish church schools?

  2. The commitment to abolish faith schools is not there explicitly, though - I'd have a bit more respect for the manifesto if it was!

    Instead they talk about making faith schools adopt an inclusive admissions policy - which is presumably code for stopping admitting pupils of the same faith ahead of others, since in every other way they already have to have fully inclusive policies - and stopping faith schools selecting staff on the basis of faith.

    Practically, of course, this means scrapping faith schools. Why would any faith group pay towards a school which was not open first to members of that faith, and in which the ethos of that faith could not be promoted by teachers who agree with it? And why should faiths pay for, and support with much involvement and commitment, their own schools when they will now even have to turn aside their own children?

    The logical result of these policies is that faiths will withdraw from public schooling.

    If the Lib Dems can't understand that, they haven't the basic intelligence to be trusted with government. If they do understand it, and have chosen to hide their real agenda from the electorate, they haven't the integrity to be trusted with government.

  3. We have to imprison lots of people because lots of people commit serious crimes a lot of the time, because the state has decided to withdraw policemen from the beat and sentencing and conditions are a joke. The wicked, in short, are not afraid of the law and instead, people fear they will be put away like Tony Martin for protecting themselves.

  4. You are only half right.

    But you are half right.
