Thursday, 15 April 2010

Ceci N'est Pas Un Parti

Nor, unlike Magritte's pipe, does it even look like one.

Five UKIP members publicly acknowledged as such, despite UKIP's disagreement with Cameron on everything that there is, and its undisguised contempt for the man himself.

Several card-carrying members of the Labour Party, to my certain knowledge.

At least one anti-marriage, anti-monarchist Lib Dem.

Several old SDP hands, one of them a current Cabinet Minister.

Peter Mandelson.

The SWP faction within the Respect Group on Tower Hamlets Council.

The Trotskyist who ran Tony Blair's favourite think tank, itself a Communist Party continuity organisation.

The founder and only ever Leader of a very recently dissolved party dedicated to Welsh separatism, Welsh-speaking supremacism, Hard Left economic policy, and hardline Political Correctness, and who as an MP tried to replace the Oath of Allegiance to the Queen with an Oath of Allegiance to the Human Rights Act.

And now this:

"There are various things I have said in this campaign with absolute certainty. I said there will be no Heathrow expansion under our Government, there will be no charges for parking in Richmond Park and Kingston Hospital will be safe. If any of those promises are broken I will trigger a by-election and allow people to penalise my party."

Zac Goldsmith is not a patch on his father. This same Goldsmith The Younger is also on record that the vandalism of a power station is acceptable in the service of opposition to high-skilled, high-wage, high-status jobs, and to independence from Arab or Venezuelan oil and from Russian or Bolivian gas. Cameron's Environment Secretary in waiting.

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