Thursday 15 April 2010

And Unto Dust Thou Shalt Return

I always knew that Someone could knock the Leaders' Debate off the top of the news, and praise Him for having done so. "Remember, O Man, that dust thou art", indeed.

What with this and the Russian-American adoption row, The World At One even sounded like a news programme, and true to its name. Despite being presented by Martha "This Is Woman's Hour, Isn't It?" Kearney. And that is quite an achievement.


  1. Sorry, are you genuinely claiming that God made a volcano explode just to interfere with the news cycle in the UK?

  2. I would have done, if I were God.

    Seriously, the Biblical approach to something like this is to take to heart one's own smallness and transience. Will those who had expected to lead the news all day do this?
