Tuesday 8 September 2009

Make Bigots Be Honest About It

Peter Hitchens writes:

"I suspect the current efforts to force the BNP to admit people whose ethnic origins it doesn't like are misguided. The BNP's openly bigoted constitution is the best evidence that we have of its true nature. Forcing it to change its membership rules will not make it into a multi-ethnic party, nor alter what is in the hearts of its leaders, but will make it harder to attack."

As someone currently ineligible for BNP membership, I object in the strongest possible terms to the State's compelling it to make me eligible, since I object in the strongest possible terms to the nationalisation of political parties. And I write as a half Saint Helenian (born in Saint Helena), giving me relatives in the Western Cape who in their time have been ineligible to join their country's governing party, indeed ineligible to vote, specifically on racial grounds. The BNP must be beaten at the ballot box. Which includes beating it on the stump, now including the televised stump.

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