Friday 4 September 2009

Invisible Genocide

Like the Serbs, or like the Russian-speaking Russian citizens of South Ossetia, the Han, one of the largest ethnic groups in the world, are invisible to those who seek out, and seek to punish, genocide.

In 1993, the former Bolivian President, García Meza Tejada, was convicted of “genocide” for the deaths of fully eight people. Those may or may not have been the only people whom he killed. But they were the only victims of his “genocide”.

However, no fewer than 480 Han, and possibly as many as 1000, have been attacked with hypodermic syringes in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, by a gang threatening to infect Han with HIV.

But the Islamist separatists who want a racially pure Xinjiang are the enemies of the Chinese Government, like Taiwan, and the Dalai Lama, and all manner of others. Who must therefore be all right, since the enemies of bad people (Hitler, Tojo) must be good people (Stalin, Mao).

Musn't they?

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