Thursday 3 September 2009

Caput Mundi?

Or, indeed, The Empire City?

The New York Daily News (not to be confused with The New York Review of Books) has apparently launched a blistering attack on Britain in general and on Gordon Brown in particular. Just as well that no one in its blue-collar NYC readership, or among those readers' favoured politicians, has ever been implicated in Gadaffi-funded terrorism...

But this whole Lockerbie cock-up has greatly strengthened the supporters of capital punishment. Especially in America, where that horrific practice had mercifully been on the wane. I hope that all concerned are very proud.


  1. quadragessima anno ; charity goes beyond all demands for justice [Pius XI] - Just because the US can't understand or appreciate the concept of mercy and compassion to the enemy ; does that mean we have to demean and debase ourselves ?

  2. Look, I don't think he did it. But who cares what I think?

    The appeal should never have been withdrawn. But it was. (For that matter, he should have been tried by a jury. But he wasn't.) So he is legally guilty of 270 murders. People have died in prison, including of horrible conditions, while legally guilty of an awful lot less than that.

    The Scottish Justice Secretary has now called significantly into question the integrity and reliability of the Scottish justice system. That hardly seems like anything that a Scottish Nationalist should wish to do. It is certainly not anything that a citizen of the United Kingdom, within the fundamental documents of which Scots Law is specifically protected, should wish to do.

    The Libya deal was vintage neoconservatism in action - pretending to get rid of non-existent WMD so that the oil money could flow. This is all part and parcel of that. The SNP is a big business party with its heartland in the North East of Scotland. It has oil coming out of every pore. If anyone still doubts the need for clean coal technology and for nuclear power, then the answer is now "Lockerbie".

    Oh, well, we should at least get a public inquiry now.
