Friday 4 September 2009

Attention Deficit

Children are now being allowed to the front of queues for fairground rides if they can produce certificates that they have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

ADHD does not exist.

Mostly for being born boys rather than the girls wanted and expected by their mothers (more and more of whom know little or nothing about men or boys anyway), half a million British children are now drugged up to their eyeballs with Ritalin and such like as "treatment" for this and various other non-existent conditions.

In fact, having long since decided that femaleness, simply in itself, was a medicable condition requiring the pumping of women's and girls' bodies full of highly poisonous substances in order to stop those bodies from doing what they do naturally, we now seem to have decided to treat maleness in the same way, and to get in even younger than we did with femaleness.

But has anybody noticed? Now, that's what I call an attention deficit.


  1. I agree. Its a non-illness.
    as Frankie Boyle has suggested it can be cured by acupuncture. Stick needles in their eyes.

  2. ...well how else is an abused child ; deprived of the realities of the word 'no' ; denied the care and concern to nurture/educate them into being responsible [sometimes with the remedial clip round the ear] = how else can they be treated except by chemical suppression.
    - attention deficit disorder exists - it's the criminal negligence of a parent to rear a child with a modicum of discipline...

  3. Yes it DOES exist.
    But not nearly to the extent that we are told.
    Every ill behaved child seems to have Attention Deficit. Or Tourettes. Or something else.
    In most cases bad behaviour is merely bad behaviour.
