Wednesday, 10 December 2008

The Pill Without Prescription

A drug so powerful that it can stop a woman’s reproductive cycle, and which is therefore not medicine at all but the very opposite, since its purpose and effect are to stop perfectly healthy body parts from working properly.

A drug already freely available to underage girls without parental knowledge or consent, literally even if it kills them.

And a drug for which there is no need even on its own terms, since Natural Family Planning is in fact more effective (how could it not be?) if properly taught to and practised by, necessarily, a faithful married couple.

But nothing must stand in the way of the definition of female fertility, and thus of femaleness itself, as a medicable condition, which is the template for the treatment of maleness itself as such a condition, also medicable by very powerful means such as Ritalin.

Nothing must stand in the way of the promotion of sexual promiscuity and the denigration of the traditional family, as pursued vigorously by governments of whatever shade for as long as almost anyone alive can now remember, though never more so than under Margaret Thatcher.

Nothing must stand in the way of the conscription of women of child-bearing age into the full-time workforce in order to feed our ex-society’s insatiable material greed.

And nothing must stand in the way of the abortion, contraception and sterilisation of our own working class out of existence, to be replaced with those who understand no English except commands, know nothing about workers’ rights in this country, can be deported if they step out of line, and (since they have no affinity with any particular part of this country) can be moved around at will.

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