Thursday, 18 December 2008


Well might you wonder why a Muslim would wish to be a cocktail waitress in the first place.

But the Muslim waitress who has refused to wear a “revealing” dress in that capacity, in an establishment where “waitresses” were routinely propositioned by customers with the offer of payment, offers a lesson to us all.

While we continue to treat and regard such places as mere “cocktail bars”, then we are heading for a backlash. And if we fail to provide that very necessary backlash from within our own tradition, then it will be provided for us.

By, through, in and as Islam.


  1. So you want people to vote for the BPA because otherwise the BNP will get in, but then you write posts basically wanrning of an Islamic takover of British society? Isn't that the kind of rhetoric the BNP use?

  2. Some v clever triangulation going on here David - attracting the floating BNP vote (surely your only challengers) with a bit of anti Muslim rhetoric. Well done.

  3. Anyone who hasn't noticed this simply isn't living in Britain. People like Polly Toynbee and Nick Cohen have noticed it. The Harry's Place lot have noticed little else. Are they in the BNP, too?

  4. Noticed what? The creepinjg Islamification of Britain? Are you suggesting we send them all back? That would certainly pick you up some BNP votes!

  5. "Send them back" to where?

    The two fastest-growing sections of British Islam are Afro-Caribbean but British-born (mostly male) converts, and White British (largely female and middle-class) converts.

    But of course Britain is being Islamised. Any vacuum will be filled by something. Islam has done this in many, many places before. Yet we seem to be utterly convinced that it cannot happen here. Of course it can. It is already doing so.

  6. Yes, but why is she serving alcohol in the first place?
