Tuesday, 23 December 2008

On This Rock

Until the very last sentence, you need hold no supernatural belief to accept that the story of the Wise Men happened exactly as recorded by Saint Matthew. They first follow the natural world (the Star), which leads them to the Bible (the Prophets referred to by Herod’s advisors), which leads in turn to the Christ Child.

And so to the Pope. The gender theory lot are half right. Sex is not just what is between your legs. But nor is it just what is between your ears, either. Rather, it is written into every cell of the body. You can cut up the tissue any way you like. The chromosomes themselves cannot change. People seeking this surgery obviously do need help. But that surgery itself cannot be the help that they really need. That is the Pope’s point. He is right. Most people know that he is right. They look at the world and see it: they follow the Star. Well, the Star leads to the Prophets, and the Prophets lead to the Christ Child.

And what of the Pope and homosexuality? What was he attacking? The idea that it is people, rather than acts, that are homosexual. That idea is not yet forty years old. It post-dates by several years our own humane and necessary decriminalisation of male homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. It is historically and cross-culturally illiterate, as well as totally unscientific. And it was invented by and for pederasts (many also engaged in “transgender” activities) in a network of bars – such as the Stonewall Inn, a major centre of the abuse of boys – in the urban, coastal America of the early 1970s.

Weakened by the liberal hijacking of the name of Vatican II, we all know what happened next in the Catholic Church. She is only just beginning to recover. But the Pope has made it very obvious today that She is recovering. Deo gratias.


  1. Excellent David, excellent, though I have never heard the allegation before that the Stonewall Inn was a centre of pederasty. Can you provide some documentary evidence to back up that allegation?

  2. Even the Wikipedia entry on the Stonewall riots, in addition to stating (correctly) that "The Stonewall Inn, at the time, was owned by the Mafia", puts it like this:

    "It catered to an assortment of patrons, but it was known to be popular with the most marginalized people in the gay community: transvestites, effeminate young men, hustlers, and homeless youth."

    Nuff said, really.

    Whenever there is a demand for yet a further reduction of the age of consent, the example of the underage boys of Stonewall is trotted out. When there were attempts in the Nineties to drum NAMBLA out of the homosexualist poiltical movement, those were the unanswerable terms in which it defended itself.

    All the founders of the "homosexuality is an identity" movement (the likes of Harvey Milk), every single one of them, was a loud and proud pederast. They did not bring about decriminalisation for adults, or anything like that. That had either already happened anyway or would have done (and did) soon enough, depending on the jurisdiction. They were, and are, something else entirely. And we all know what.

    Not least, the Pope clearly knows what.

  3. "It catered to an assortment of patrons, but it was known to be popular with the most marginalized people in the gay community: transvestites, effeminate young men, hustlers, and homeless youth."

    I don't think that's quite enough to suggest that it was a den of pederasty. I also don't think your claim that all the founders of the gay lib movement were pederasts has much credibility.

  4. It's universally accepted, not disputed by anyone at all. Some people don't know it, of course. But no one who has looked into the matter disputes it. It was shouted from the roof-tops at the time.

  5. "The love between men and boys is the foundation", idolisation of Ancient Greece, they were totally brazen in the 70s. That was how it all started.

  6. Exactly.

    The roof-top shouting wasn't done by their enemies. It was done by themselves. Every early manifesto called for the abolition of all ages of consent, including those manifestos issued in jursdictions where decriminalistaion for consenting adults in private had already happened.

    There remains no condemnation at all of historical figures who engaged in pederasty, frequent talk of "transgenerational love" and such like, and an endless torrent of pulp fiction with pederastic themes.
