Friday 7 November 2008

El Efecto Bradley Real

No one in America is more opposed to illegal immigration than the blacks, whose ancestors were in America long before those of many whites. Their families have been entirely English-speaking for almost the whole of that period, whereas much of America was German-speaking until the First World War, while Italian, Polish, Yiddish and others were spoken in many white homes well within living memory, still being spoken in some white homes right up to the present day. They are in competition with the Latinos for low-end jobs. And ninety-five per cent of them voted for Obama.

By contrast, especially in the South-West, rather fewer Hispanics voted for Obama than had been expected. They didn't really want a President whose base was the blacks and who would be looking to that base to deliver a second term. They preferred the aged figure of John "Amnesty" McCain, the candidate of continuation with George "Bilingual America" Bush. Well, of course they did.

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