Sunday, 7 September 2008

Tomislav Nikolic, Good Brother To The Croats

The resignation of Tomislav Nikolic, after the Serbian Radical Party refused to back EU membership, raises very serious questions about the EU ambitions of Croatia (until recent years only ever an independent state as a Nazi puppet – my spell check still does not recognise her name, although it can cope with “Croat” and “Croatian”) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (never previously an independent state). I smell a Georgia-NATO situation in the making. And that is before the inevitable UDI of the Republika Srpska.

Where Yugoslavia used to be, I care not for one cobbled together statelet for Wahhabi SS-nostalgists, any more than for the other. But I care passionately for Antemurale Christianitatis. Being told that Serbia, backed by Russia, will not stand for its incorporation into the Jacobin-Islamic Republic of Europe (in which case it won’t happen – what Russia wants, Russia gets) would be a very significant step from the Croatia we have to the Croatia we need.

And when it is then shown that there is in fact no way in which the EU, being the EU, can accommodate such a witness, then it will raise half-sleeping, now-awakening giants from Ireland, to Poland, to Bavaria, to the Vendée, to a score of other places besides.

Christendom needs Her Ramparts now, as ever. And the Serbs, backed by the Russians, are moving to rebuild them. Of course.

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