Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Obama: The Real Pro-Life Candidate

Only the Supreme Court can do anything about abortion, and the Republicans will always appoint judges who will preserve the status quo, because that keeps people who should be Democrats voting Republican.

Which is what keeps the Republican Party in existence, spreading poverty (which kills people indirectly) and these days also war (which kills people directly). This will continue until pro-life tells the GOP where to go, by voting for the other actually pro-abortion candidate rather than for the GOP's actually pro-abortion candidate.

If either McCain or Obama wins, then there might be exactly as many deaths by abortion. If McCain wins, then there will certainly be no fewer.

But if Obama wins, then not only might there be fewer abortions as a result of greater social justice, but there will certainly be an end to the war in Iraq. And life is sacred after birth as well as before it.

Furthermore, the Black Church is morally conservative, is the heart and soul of the Black community, and is in that latter capacity a key part (indeed, probably the single most important part) of the Obama electoral machine. When Obama wins, he is going to owe people who demand both social justice and traditional family values. He will not get a second term unless he has paid that debt. Everyone knows this.

So Obama is the real pro-life candidate.

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