Sunday 9 March 2008

The Green Chip Club

So David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Ed Vaizey and various others of whom not even we political anoraks can reasonably be expected to have heard are all members of the Green Chip Club? This is some Bullingdon-esque party within the Conservative Party, meeting over dinner to control it without reference to minor figures such as the Shadow Home Secretary or the Shadow Foreign Secretary. Well, there’s a surprise!

Apparently, the inaugural meeting was held in the run-up to the Ealing Southall by-election. You know, the one at which the very high-profile and non-tweedy Tory candidate gave his party designation on the ballot paper as “David Cameron’s Conservatives”. And came third.

The Tory bogeyman does not exist. So there is no point to the Labour Party.

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