Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Wrights and Wrongs

Barack Obama has felt compelled to condemn such remarks of the Reverend Dr Jeremiah Wright as:

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. ... We have supported state terrorism against ... black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing, 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people."

"Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single-parent home." (A purely factual statement, one would have thought.)

"Hillary ain't never been called a nigger." (Well, has she been? If so, then when, exactly?)

Perhaps Obama is right to distance himself. But he should also condemn President Reagan's laying of a wreath at an SS cemetery in 1985, and President Clinton's annual laying of wreaths at Confederate military cemeteries throughout his time in office. Will he? Will Senator McCain? Will Senator Clinton? If not, why not?

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