Sunday 1 September 2024

Either Too Wicked Or Too Stupid

Imagine that your slumlord were your MP. Imagine that your slumlord MP were also your councillor. Imagine how helpless you would feel. Imagine how helpless you would be.

Jas Athwal was a Council Leader and is now an MP while apparently unaware, both that a blanket refusal to let to benefit claimants was now illegal, and that such benefits were no longer administered by the local authority, but by the DWP. He is either lying, or he really is that ignorant. Either way, on the first point, he has broken the law.

Athwal's imposition in place of Sam Tarry was not a failure of vetting. The people who are back running the Labour Party, as they have almost always done since its foundation, cannot begin to see the problem with anything that he has done.

And now, those people are the Government. The likes of Lucy Powell, who either truly believes that there would have been a run on the pound and that the economy would have crashed if barely a billion pounds in winter fuel payments had not been cut from a budget of more than a trillion, or is prepared to peddle such dangerous falsehood while knowing that it would lead to the deaths of freezing pensioners.


  1. It’s sectarian politics-Labour doesn’t care about pensioners because they mostly vote Tory, so it used the money to give an inflation busting no-strings-attached pay rise to its public sector worker voter base.

    1. If you believe that, then you cannot do basic arithmetic. Nor have you any idea how the money supply worked, but most people don't. Most people can, however, do basic arithmetic.

      The unions are totally opposed both to this cut and to the two-child benefit cap.

    2. Imagine believing everything you read in the Express.

      Powell is live on the Westminster Hour. Thick as mince.

  2. Nothing to see here. Starmer just continuing the standard Blairite sectarian leftwing politics of taking from middle-class Tory-voting pensioners to give a pay rise to Labour's favoured public-sector workers- just as when Gordon Brown raided private pensions to pay for New Labour's creation of a huge public-sector client state.

    1. Oh, that old chestnut? You would be too young anyway, of course, but as with that thing about the gold, no one remembers it. Labour won two more General Elections, and Brown became Prime Minister by acclaim as, at the time, one of the most popular politicians that Britain had ever seen. It didn't last, but these things never do. During that period, pensioners, previously associated with poverty, became the richest section of society for the first time ever. They have remained so ever since.

  3. The dismal Gordon "Broon" is remembered mostly for delivering the worst recession in the G8 in 2008, and revealing the New Labour Left's contempt for the white working class with his infamous Gillian Duffy moment.

    1. Who?

      And it has been "Who?" almost since it happened. Labour took back that seat in 2010. In the person of Simon Danczuk, but even so. Only public school types in the London media have ever cared about Gillian Duffy, and only they have remembered her almost since the day.

  4. It’s rightly one of the most famous and revealing moments in political history-and one of the only times politicians said what they really think of their voters (albeit only because he didn’t know the mic was on). Duffy forevermore represents the white working class that the Left turned its back on.

    1. Bless.

      Her surviving relatives are supporters of George Galloway, who still lives there, so watch that space. But clearly most people even in Rochdale did not notice this supposedly legendary incident at the time, since Labour won back the seat from the Lib Dems just as the Lib Dems entered government. And no one remembers it now. I mean, come on.

      The Lib Dems entered government because Brown could not be beaten outright. I am as critical of him as anyone for, unlike most of what is thrown at him, things that really happened. But even as late as May 2010, he was still that popular. Not least in Rochdale. Evidently.


  5. Brown's 'bigot' comment gloriously encapsulated what the Left really thinks of the white working class and especially opponents of mass immigration (who vote Reform now if they vote at all). He was a dismal politician and a dreadful high-tax socialist who created a public sector client state for no reason other than to vote Labour and created a perverse welfare state that redistributed from the married, thrifty and hard-working to the unmarried, spendthrift and workshy. His current Far Left constitutional plans, which he jointly unveiled with Keir Starmer, are equally awful.

    "he was still that popular. " That popular? He lost the first election he contested with two million fewer votes and 50 less seats than even David Cameron's lot.

  6. As Simon Heffer beautifully put it in the Broon days, Gordon Brown “The extra taxes we have paid have been wasted not least in putting 700,000 socially unproductive people on the public payroll purely so they can vote Gordon Brown in perpetuity. They, Cherie Blair, Scottish nationalists, the Irish Republican Army and people for whom the most important thing in the world is to be allowed to legally sodomise boys at 16, are the only ones I can think of who have profited from the last ten years.”
