Tuesday 31 October 2023

American XL Bully

The New York-born Boris Johnson.

The dogs have killed 12 people, and that calls for action.

Johnson has killed rather more people than that, and that calls for rather more action.


  1. How has he killed rather more people?

    You haven’t read the data. WHO figures for excess deaths show that locked down earliest such as Italy, Germany and Spain suffered far higher excess death rates than those that didn’t lock down at all such as Sweden. Britain had a lower excess death rate than Spain and Italy which locked down earlier and longer.

    Our death rate already peaked in March 2020 before the first lockdown. While China was the first ever to impose a lockdown and last to lift it-and recently experienced the world’s biggest surge in COVID cases.

    There’s no connection whatsoever between locking down and preventing COVID deaths.

    1. Even if that were true, which it is not, then Johnson's body count would still be well above 12.
