Thursday 26 March 2020

The Proper Approach

"What is going on in the UK is, I think, the proper approach. That is the direction I think we should have gone." So says Bernie Sanders. He is wrong about a lot. But not about this.

So much for Keir Starmer's and his supporters' hopes of a Government of National Unity. You are far too right-wing. Go back to the ended era that ran from the Budget of December 1976 to the Budget of March 2020. We are all Modern Monetary Theorists now.

Denis Healey also pretended that his measures were a temporary response to a crisis. Yet they ran for 44 years until they were consigned to the dustbin by a Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer who had not been born until four years after they had been introduced. But consigned to the dustbin they have now been.

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