Saturday 20 July 2013

"The Russian Opposition"

The only viable political alternative to Putin and Medvedev is the totally unreconstructed Communist Party of the Russian Federation, notable for its Soviet flags at demonstrations.

Banners on which British reporters cannot bring themselves to comment, any more than on the equally ubiquitous black, yellow and white of Russian ultranationalism in all its anti-modern, anti-urban, anti-scientific and anti-Semitic awfulness. Russian ultranationalism in opposition to the present Russian Government. Have you got that?

If it is not those, then it is the Caucasian Islamists. Or else the National Bolsheviks, whose flag is that of Nazi Germany, but with a black hammer and sickle in place of the swastika. The National Bolsheviks are much loved by the Georgian prison rape-ignoring BBC, and especially by Belarus-hating, but Uzbekistan-loving Newsnight. Well, of course they are.


  1. Yes, in the same sense that, for the World War Two Polish, the only "viable alternative" to Hitler was Stalin. Which is what we gave them.

    That sort of binary thinking doesn't change the reality on the ground.
