Friday 20 April 2012

Long Overdue Leadership

Most people, even including most Catholics, have no idea how sunk in 1970s radical feminism is the Religious Life of women in the United States, though also elsewhere. It is therefore on the brink of collapse.

Pro-abortion, very overtly lesbian in that first generation "out" way, and exactly as concerned as one might therefore expect for children in general and for boys in particular, they have used the privileged position accorded to them in many dioceses where the selection of candidates for ordination is concerned.

Specifically, they have used that position to pack the seminaries with men whose sexual interest was - and, again, how Seventies is this? - in teenage boys. Not small children. Not girls. Teenage boys, whose abuse by men is regarded as mainstream behaviour in media circles on both sides of the Atlantic and is duly depicted as such literally ad nauseam. It is only considered a problem when Catholic priests do it.

A generation on, the Sisters have a ready-made excuse to go bleating to Rome for their own, doctrinally impossible, "ordination", which is mercifully never going to happen, since the See of Peter cannot fall into heresy.

But enormous pain has been caused in the meantime. Though only to boys. So who cares?

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