Monday 28 March 2011

The Price Of Everything

"Monetarism can be harsh, but it keeps down inflation." Yer what? Real terms wages have gone down by twenty per cent, a whole fifth, since 2009. Can you think of anything significant that has happened since 2009? A change of Chancellor, perhaps?


  1. "Real-terms wages have gone down by twenty per cent, a whole fifth, since 2009."

    No they haven't. You got destroyed by Tom when you tried to write about economics before and had to delete all the comments. We're laughing again now.

  2. You didn't see Panorama, did you?

    Good to see the Blairites defending the Coalition.

  3. But that is the wicked BBC, Mr. Lindsay. We cannot trust them, can we?

  4. The wicked BBC that is now as ideologically pro-Cameron, the Heir to Blair, as the bulk of the Press is tribally pro-Cameron, Leader of the Purportedly Tory Party.

    Congratulations to whoever managed to have this programme made and broadcast. But note the near-total lack of other coverage for its main point, the staggering twenty per cent fall in real terms wages over the last two years.

  5. Monetarism has been a huge disaster wherever it has been applied. On this side of the Atlantic, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker's version of monetarism devastated American manufacturing in the early 1980s and we still have not fully recovered.
