Monday 29 June 2009


Over on Post-Right, my views on the American Bishops and illegal immigration have attracted the comments of the tellingly named Thomas O. Meehan:

The church’s position with regard to illegal aliens is shameful. The Catholic Bishops idiocy on many issues over the years has been manifest. They are notorious for farming out their reasoning powers to “experts” in the manner of the Warren Court, whenever approaching the nexus between church teaching and the real world.

On the other hand, the jobs of many Catholic corrections officers, public defenders, bail bondsmen etc. will be made safe by continued immigration from Latin America.


Saint Paul’s Catholic church in Princeton NJ erected an out-sized statue of St Mary of Guadeloupe to the right of the main alter. Spanish masses are now the norm. Left untended is the resident Black population who have seen their jobs taken wholesale by St Paul’s largely illegal parishioners. The days when an uneducated but upright black man could make a living in landscaping are over in the area.

No wonder that President Obama is not saying too much about Honduras. His black base is no happier about Hispanics than his white target audience is about allies of Hugo Chávez, with Irish Catholics clearly among those taking both views. And, thanks to a globe-trotting uncle, I have a Hispanic cousin now resident in Miami.


  1. No point in rehashing my view on Honduras as its in my own Blog.
    I was attacked by my liberal friends in November for only giving two cheers for Obama.
    A US President will always act in the interests of American ideals and interests.
    It would have been remiss of the Honduran generals NOT to have consulted the State Dept/CIA spooks before the coup.
    It would have got the green light in Washington.

  2. We need to do all we can to stop illegal immigration in the US. Obama wants amnesty, we want our laws enforced.

  3. It think you'll find that it was McCain who wnated the amnesty. Obama's black base wants no such thing.
