Friday, 27 December 2019


Following his recent performance, the questions now almost answer themselves. Was Boris Johnson admitted to Oxford to read Classics, which was then still widely taught in the state sector, based on nothing more than his background and his charm rather than on any knowledge of the subject, or even very much interest in acquiring any?

In the days when a 2:2 was still quite normal, was he awarded a 2:1 based on little, if anything, more than his background and his charm? Is he nothing more than a monstrous fraud who has spent his entire life as a beneficiary of undeserved patronage?

These questions need to be asked, and the fundamental and central role of Classics in the self-organisation and advancement of the victims of such arrangements needs to be reasserted. I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email Very many thanks.

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