Thursday, 19 December 2019

Extreme Measures

The Queen's Speech announces legislation to prosecute anyone who spread what the Government decided was "extremism" or "disinformation" such as might assist a foreign power.

Therefore, I look forward to the prosecution of most Labour, almost all Conservative, and all Liberal Democrat MPs, as well as of everyone who still held what now amounted to the State's licence to call oneself a journalist.

Those people spread extremist disinformation in the service of the Saudi Arabia that inspires and directs terrorism on British soil, of its little helpers in the Gulf, of Israel (and mostly of the side that has lately been rejected by the electorate in Israel), and increasingly also of Narendra Modi's India and of the Fascist juntas that are being busily reinstalled across Latin America.

I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email Very many thanks.

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