Tuesday, 17 December 2019

No, Overall Control

In May 2021, not only is Durham County Council going to go to No Overall Control, but a concerted effort could deprive Simon Henig of his own seat. Assuming, that is, that he was not already in prison by then for what he had done to me.

Anyway, the Leader of the Council is not going to be him, and ought not to be Labour at all. You see, every other Group, faction and tendency on that Council exists not to be his corrupt and incompetent right-wing Labour machine.

Labour will remain the largest party, but there would be no reason at all for it to retain the Leadership if everyone else could rally behind an alternative candidate. They ought already to be giving that the most serious consideration.

No Overall Control would have happened in 2017 on the issue of the Teaching Assistants, if it had not been for Ben Sellout. Whatever happened to the Teaching Assistants? But then, whatever has now happened to Ben Sellout?

I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email davidaslindsay@hotmail.com. Very many thanks.

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