Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Civil Order

From today, opposite-sex couples are availing themselves of their new right to contract civil partnerships.

This is excellent news, since divorce can now be made far more difficult, at least for people who had chosen marriage after this new arrangement had come into force. After all, if they had not wanted that, then they could always have had a civil partnership instead.

So we need to give any marrying couple the right to register their marriage as bound by the divorce law that obtained prior to 1969, and any religious organisation the right to specify that any marriage that it conducted would be so bound, requiring it to counsel couples accordingly.

We need to fix entitlement upon divorce by Statute at one per cent of the other party’s estate for each year of marriage up to 50 per cent, with no entitlement for the petitioning party unless the other party’s fault were proved.

And we need to remove the restriction of civil partnerships to unrelated couples, since there has never been any sexual aspect to civil partnerships per se.

I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email davidaslindsay@hotmail.com. Very many thanks.


  1. What a great job the married couples tax allowance has done at encouraging marriage and discouraging divorce. Nobody could assume that it must have been abolished by the Tories in the Nineties. Imagine if most people in the country had assumed that for 25 years.
