Friday, 20 December 2019

Indian Mutiny?

Narendra Modi effectively defines Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh as part of India, of the state of mind that is Bharat, but their Muslim majorities as not Indian and therefore as colonial occupiers or what have you, a view that cannot logically be held of the Muslims in certain parts of Bharat but not in the whole of it.

This is a perfectly normal expression of the political tradition in which he stands. That tradition, like at least half a dozen more, was at least as important to the struggle for Indian independence as Gandhi was, never mind our own Hollywood version of Gandhi, which is not very accurate at all, but which we insist on teaching in schools. Whether on film or in real life, Modi's lot assassinated Gandhi.

Of academic interest in Britain, you may say. But would that it were. Those of Modi's mind are such an important vote bank for the Conservative Party that they already hold three Cabinet positions, including that of Home Secretary.

I will be standing for Parliament again here at North West Durham next time, so please give generously. In any event, please email Very many thanks.

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