Thursday, 1 May 2014


Anyone who still doubted that the next General Election was effectively over, it most certainly is now.

You don't have to take my word for that.

You don't have to take Owen Jones's word for that, although his is a very good article on the hopelessness of the Coalition parties' response.

You can also take Tim Stanley's word for that, echoing the recent word, in the same venerable Tory organ, of Peter Oborne.

Let's see a full package: rent controls, the freeing and even mandating of councils to build, and the extension of the Scottish system of landlord registration.

Let's see the trustafarian hysteria of the Conservatives and the Lib Dems.

And then let's see the Telegraph titles, never mind the Mail titles, say anything other than "Vote Labour" with anything approaching a straight face.

I wrote a few days ago that Ed Miliband needed to strike at Toryland's Pearl Harbor. He just has.


  1. Rent controls being a bad idea is one of the few areas that economists from left and right agree on. Keep rents artificially low and supply decreases: not good for tenants.

  2. There is a long list of countries to which you need to tell that, and they are not all Venezuela.

    They included Britain not all that long ago.

    This policy is electoral gold.
