Saturday, 8 February 2014

Not The Greatest Hit of The Nineties

And so Bill Clinton's fake state of Bosnia-Herzegovina begins in earnest to disintegrate. The wonder is that this has taken an entire generation, and not only because no one even knows where Bosnia ends and Herzegovina begins.

The state schools of Sarajevo have long since banned the white-bearded figure known to Croat children as Dred Božinjak (Father Christmas), to Serb children as Božik Bata (Christmas Friend), and even, in the last 50 years, to Bosnian Muslim children as Deda Mraz (Grandfather Frost).

Expect those schools, and other public institutions, to enforce Islamic dress codes, dietary laws and so forth in the very near future, if they are not already doing so.

The Republika Srpska will declare independence sooner rather than later, and will deserve every support when she does. The Bosnian Croats are also coming round.

The West backed the wrong side in Bosnia, Europe's first Islamist state, complete with a constitutional ban on Jews and Gypsies becoming President or Senators, a ban befitting a state founded by an old SS recruitment sergeant who had become a Wahhabi rabble-rouser.

The West also backed the wrong side in Kosovo, Europe's second Islamist state, where the Wahhabism and the Nazi nostalgia are mixed in with heroin-trafficking, with prostitution, and with the Maoism of Enver Hoxha, as well as with trafficking in human organs horrifically obtained, as some of us have been saying for years, and as everyone, or at least everyone morally and intellectually serious, finally admitted last year.

The Thickies become utterly delirious as they recount the role of Hajj Amin al-Husayni in raising the armies whose sons and grandsons were to don black shirts in their honour 50 years later. They honestly cannot see the connection. Of course, that kind of inability is what makes them the Thickies.

"I would never allow a Serb, Jew or Gypsy to marry into my family," declared our dear ally, Franjo Tuđman, who duly removed the constitutional reference to the Serbs as one of Croatia's two constituent peoples.

Last year, we saw the State Funeral of a Croatian Serb who was the widow of a Croat. "As a Croat and as a Catholic," were words that had had to be cut from the official text of his audience with Pope Paul VI.

That State Funeral was the final goodbye to, undeniable though its faults were, the recent historical reality of workers' self-management and profit-sharing within a multinational state which included both culturally Christian and culturally Muslim places and peoples, and which enjoyed vast global influence while resolutely pursuing peace and eschewing transnational military power blocs.

Opposition to the shameful British role in destroying that (rather Anglophile) multinational state first began to bring back together the traditional British Right and the traditional British Left, each of which found itself excluded from consideration and debate.

The rest is history. But very much living history. As we see now on the streets of Sarajevo.


  1. I never understood why we didn't aid Yugoslavia into becoming a unified federal, legally secular social-market democracy (Nordic style), and offer it, as by far the richest (per capita) socialist nation on earth, which had already had an official policy of open borders and neutrality, instant EU membership.
    I still don't see the justification for the nationalist movements, that being said Serbia was just as bad.

  2. Oh, by the way, Bosnia and Herzigovina is NOT the creation of the UN or US or any of that- it is simply the continuation of the Tito era Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzigovina.

  3. Except that it isn't, because that, by definition, was part of Yugoslavia; as such, it had never existed previously.

    Eventual incorporation into the EU, the avowed and implacable enemy of social democracy and of neutrality, was, with the inseparable incorporation into NATO, the key reason for cutting up Yugoslavia into easily digestible titbits.

    Alas, that has very largely been achieved. If "achieved" be the word.

  4. (It's Suada from Twitter)

    This is a truly comical article. Bosnia-Herzegovina's statehood rests on exactly the same foundations as every single other Yugoslav republic. It's statehood and sovereignty were confirmed by the decisions of State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ZAVNOBiH) in November 1943. It also existed as an independent state in the medieval era (although I don't consider this very relevant). I think that your utter insincerity on this point is shown by your support of the independence of RS, even though it has never existed historically at all.

    Can you please provide some (credible) evidence to substantiate your claim that Izetbegović recruited for the SS? We have been waiting for the last 20 years.

  5. Are you sure about Izetbegovitch?

    Oliver Kamm exposed Neil Clark's claims about him as coming from a bogus source.

  6. Proving conclusively that Neil was correct.

  7. No, he exposed the source of the claim as bogus.

  8. He didn't. He couldn't. As this site's blogroll explains, he is a fake journalist. Anything that he writes is by definition a lie. If he says that Neil or anyone is wrong, then that proves beyond doubt that Neil or anyone else is right.

  9. Again David, can you please provide some evidence to substantiate your claim that Izetbegović collaborated with the SS? If not, can you refrain from making unsubstantiated allegations?

  10. It is not "unsubstantiated". It has been a matter of record forever.

  11. Well, surely if it has been a matter of record, you can provide some evidence to show us.

  12. Google it yourself, it's there.

    I don't know why you are pretending not to know this. Well, I do know why. But it does you no credit.

  13. If it's readily available on google, perhaps you can provide a link which substantiates your serious allegation?

  14. No more easily than you could, at this time of night.

    If you have an alternative to this (so far as I am aware, uncontested except by the ludicrous Kamm) account of what he was doing during that period, then by all means share it.

  15. Well, I certainly contest it. And I'm afraid that you are the one making the allegation of Nazi collaboration, so it is up to you to prove it.

    I'm afraid that the claim that the teenage Izetbegović collaborated with the SS remains entirely unsubstantiated, and will remains so until you can provide some credible evidence which proves such a serious charge. Again, we have been waiting for 20 years.

  16. You may have been. No one else has.
