Monday 1 July 2013

Naked Truth

Pace Sean Thomas, as Germaine Greer writes in The Boy, to suggest that the Renaissance masters painted naked youths because they were pederasts is like suggesting that they painted still life because they wanted to have sex with it or because they were hungry.

The best, even the only, way to understand Caravaggio is as a Catholic devotional artist, as the titles of numerous of works make perfectly clear; those titles need to be taken at face value, and the works evaluated accordingly.

The same may be said of most, if not all, the Renaissance masters, beginning in each case with the paucity, if not the absence, of evidence for the notion that their works are somehow supposed to be pornographic, or at least erotic in the popular sense of the word.

The "religious dimension" needs to be taken with absolute seriousness, and the relationship between Classicism and Christianity (especially Catholicism) acknowledged.

Where, then, does that leave the concept of the Renaissance?

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