Wednesday 24 July 2013

Shot Yourselves In The Foot

Michael Foot would have been 100 yesterday.

If you were old enough to vote in 1983 but you did not vote Labour, then you have no right to complain about the EU now.

You had your chance to get out.


  1. Not quite so simple though, is it?

    Anyone who voted for Foot would also have been voting to abolish the House of Lords, strip us naked of any deterrent against the Soviet Union, tax us to death and bankrupt the country by nationalising our banks, preventing them taking the risks necessary to generate big capital and lend out to business.

    And people hadn't really seen, back then, what EU membership would later entail, since the worst of it had not yet come to pass (open borders, 80% of our laws made abroad, international arrest warrants, justice system subsumed to a foreign court, small businesses drowned in regulations etc).

    Even now, sadly, the EU is low down voters priorities-because no Parliamentary British party consistently attacks it and highlights all the bad things it forces on us.

  2. Stop reading after the first line of that comment, the answer to which is "Yes".
