Friday, 19 July 2013

"Worse Than Thatcher"

I could not possibly tell you who refers to him thus, but it is absolutely the worst thing that that person could possibly say about anyone.

This may come to be erected in the (present) constituency of that Commonwealth War Graves Commissioner. But he will never be allowed any association with it. I have been so informed in no uncertain terms.

If there were still any doubt that Labour ought to declare against Trident, then that doubt has now been dispelled entirely.


  1. Once the Secretary of Derwentside District Labour Party, always the Secretary of Derwentside District Labour Party.

    "The news having got about that I had re-joined the Labour Party, I was lately summoned into the presence of one of the most influential trade union leaders, certainly in the North East, and at least arguably in the country. In quite possibly the most profitable meeting that I have ever had with anyone, we discussed two grave matters."

    You wrote that 24 hours ago before telling us about only one of them.

  2. This, and trying to get #TooOldEvenToBeOnGlee and #TooCampEvenToBeOnGlee trending on Twitter in reference to Thompson's Cory Montieth article. You are hunting old queens the way some people hunt elephants.
