Monday 18 October 2010

Has Ken Livingstone Left The Labour Party?

I bet you'll find he hasn't.

Is it that he is Ken Livingstone? There is certainly that.

Is it that London is now a different country, with its own rules altogether? That is, of course, true.

Is it that Tower Hamlets is now a different planet, with its own rules altogether? That also has a great deal of truth in it.

But it is really just that, in an AV election, campaigning for one candidate is not necessarily campaigning against the others. Get used to this new world. In our minds, some of us, including Labour Party members of considerable local prominence, have already done so.


  1. When were you last in Tower Hamlets, David? Or London for that matter?

  2. Recently enough to know this.

    Let's face it, how could the NEC get rid of the man who has just topped the polled for, wait for it, membership of the NEC? Just as well that, AV being AV, it doesn't need to. As it clearly acknowledges.

  3. Over on Harry's Place, they are making a thing about Ken's sectarian leftist past.
