Saturday 16 October 2010

Don't Go Wilders

He may have been acquitted this time, but Geert Wilders is still a very, very bad man.

He is still in favour of the war in Afghanistan, just so long as his own country no longer has to fight it. He is opposed to welfare provision and other public services, to full employment and workers' rights, and to the classically Christian basis of the State and of the wider culture. The Muslims are not his real target; on the contrary, both mass immigration itself and a particularly virulent challenge to Christianity are very useful to him. His real targets are the orthodox Catholics and the small but very strong conservative Protestant "pillar" (one of whose parties, though not the other, has a growing appeal among African immigrants). He is the heir of Pim Fortuyn, outspoken advocate and practitioner of sex between men and boys.

By all means exclude "foreign-born preachers of hate" from this country. Including Islamists. Such as the black-shirted pimp and heroin-trafficker Hashim Thaçi, who is somehow also both a Wahhabi and a Maoist - he really is what the more hysterical Tea Party attendees imagine Obama to be. Such as the terrorist Akhmed Zakayev, whom this country currently harbours. Such as the recently apprehended terrorist Abdulmalik Rigi. And such as the even more recently arrested war criminal Ejup Ganic.

But also including the signatories to the Project for the New American Century, and the Patrons of the Henry Jackson Society. Also including those American and other ecclesiastics who have expressed racist views about Africans and others who do not share their liberal sexual morality. Also including Hans Küng, whose disparagement of the late Pope John Paul II's Polishness made and make them the authentic voice of the age-old Teutonic racism against the Slavs; Küng only gets away with it because he is Swiss. Also including Avigdor Lieberman, the members of his party, and those who sit in coalition with them. Also including the EDL-supporting leaders of the Tea Party. And also including a whole host of others. For example, Geert Wilders.

Their presence most certainly would not be, and periodically is not, conducive to the public good.


  1. But a party within the Labour Party in the old Derwentside area, with several of the most prominent old Derwentside figues and/or Catholics in it, is alright even if it has close links to ultra-conservative Catholic groups all over the world and daily contact with the Pat Buchanan remnant in the USA.

  2. All over the world, and we all know what makes the world go round.
