Monday 18 October 2010

Cleaning Up The Mess-O-Potamia

If the new Iraqi Government really is a creature of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, then can Christians in general look forward to something like the status and security that they enjoy in Iran, Syria or Lebanon? In the Lebanese case, that status is secured by Hezbollah, as the several Christian parties in its Alliance testify, and a fact to which the public Catholic and Orthodox prayers for its success bear witness.

Can Assyrians in particular, who enjoy reserved parliamentary representation in Iran, look forward to something like the status and security that they enjoyed in Iraq before they were "liberated"?

Can women, envied until 2003 as the best-educated in the Middle East, look forward to a return at least to parity with those in Iran, where there are more women than men at university? At least in Afghanistan the lot of women has merely been made no better. In Iraq, it has been made almost immeasurably worse. But help seems to be at hand: a Government which is really a creature of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, two feminist paradises and the frontline of a third when compared to either of the countries that have lately benefited from "liberation" at our hands.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Sunni extremists would agree with this assessment which is why they are so keen on attacking Iranians in Iraq on pilgrimage and such. They know Iranian influence is definitely a bad thing for them. Too bad so many politicians in the West can't see this, because, really, we have the same interests as Iran on this front, namely defeating the Sunni extremists that we attracted to Iraq with our foolish invasion.
