Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Unwelcome In The Hillsides

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom repeated his indifference as to the constitutional status of Wales, although at least he pointed out that ordinary people there had no desire to talk about it. But the unwanted referendum is going to happen anyway next year, even though the unanimous Assembly resolution calling for it managed not to be mentioned at all at Welsh Questions the next day, which was taken up with jobs and other fripperies.

Cameron seems to be picking a fight with at least a very large part of the Welsh Labour Party. But he is doing so by casting his opponents as the defenders of the Union, or just as the people who care tuppence about it, unlike him. There is going to be a No vote, and significant Conservative losses in Wales, where UKIP is already strong enough to have returned an MEP.

That No vote will be welcome for many reasons, not the least of which will be that a Yes vote would have led to immediate cries from Holyrood, in full spoilt child mode, that Scotland always had to have more devolution than anyone else, whether or not it was to her benefit, whether or not it was at all practicable, whether or not anyone in the general public wanted it or even gave a stuff, but just because.

The coming Labour overall majority, and combined Tory and Lib Dem votes greater than that for the SNP, would not have guarded against this, since the Labour, Tory and Lib Dem contingents at Holyrood, unlike at least Labour's and the Lib Dems' Scottish presences at Westminster, are impervious to the concerns of their activists and constituents where both the importance of, and the answer to, the constitutional question are concerned.

They are as bad as the Cardiff lot, resolving unanimously to demand something that is going to be rejected in a referendum because for some unknown reason someone in London thinks it worth putting to such a thing.


  1. More constitutional ludditism I see. If people like you had always been in charge, you would not have the vote. Probably be a serf or something.

    Where does this Scotophobic hate come from?

    The only Scots and Welsh you like are the "House Negro Uncle Tom" crowd, usually found amongst the hunting and shooting set. Or the trogladykes thumping their lambeg drums. Who would like to thump you after a few sherberts for your religion.

    Go to Glasgow Green next month son. First Saturday in July. When they are soused. Try and reason with the Primark suited, terry-towelling sock brigade.

  2. There is going to be a No vote in Wales. No one outside the Assembly and its entourage wants a referendum at all. I have no idea why it is being held, especially as it will damage Cameron's own party to be seen to be associated with a cause so unpopular both in general and among his own core voters.

    What are charming view of most of the Scots and practically all of the Welsh you have. But, of course, the only Real Scots are the SNP, the fixed electoral ghetto of people who pine for an all-white and all-Protestant Scotland. A party which now picks up no votes at all except from people who would never dream of voting any other way, and fewer votes than the Tories and the Lib Dems combined.

    Where are the 20 seats? What's that, you didn't make a single gain? Damn those "House Negro Uncle Toms" and those "trogladykes" (sic). There do seem to be an awful lot of them.

    Heaven knows who you must think that the Real Welsh are. Mercifully, no one who really exists.

  3. Talkative Taffy10 June 2010 at 16:25

    Personally I am looking forward to the re-establishment of a separate Welsh courts system. We can have our Court of Great Sessions restored, given to us by the great half-Welshman Henry VIII during the Acts of Union.

    It is now time to sweep aside the alien system forced upon us and to have distinctly Welsh law again!

    All barristers and solicitors should also have to practice in Welsh. Put some of the Bristol boys noses out of joint!

  4. England has not had an English ruling dynasty since 1066, one way or another. The present lot pretend to be Scots. Mind you, Prince William is President of the FA, which now purports to be England without remainder.

    I am told that Prince Charles speaks Welsh quite well. But the only people who seriously hold views comparable to yours are, as you know, members of the Welsh-speaking elite in South Wales, who would never live in North Wales because then the cabbies and the waiters would know what they were saying.

    One of the wonders of Welsh is that in its strongholds its legal status never seems to have made any difference whatever to its survival. People just carried on speaking it anyway. Exposing quite how alien and abberrant is the attempt by the people against whom Leo Abse warned to enforce it elsewhere. Not, of course, that they would really want everyone to speak it. They want to keep the best jobs for the people who do.
