Saturday 5 June 2010

Tu Es Petrus

Will Peter Tatchell's Channel Four programme on the Pope mention Tatchell's campaign to lower the age of consent to 14, and his occasional public expressions of his true view, which is that the age of consent should be abolished altogether? Even Harriet Harman's Paedophile Information Exchange thought that it should be four. But that won't do for Tatchell.

Will Tatchell interview Stephen Fry about The Liar and The Hippopotamus? Will he interview Germaine Greer about The Boy? Will he interview Richard Dawkins about his having been sexually abused as a child, which he describes in The God Delusion as "an embarrassing but otherwise harmless experience"? Will he interview Philip Pullman about how is celebrated trilogy ends with sexual intercourse between two children aged about 12, and about his repeated bemoaning of the lack of sexual content in the Narnia novels?

Will Tatchell interview anyone from the numerous Social Services Departments that ran homes in which, at the same time as the Church was hushing up sex between men and teenage boys on the part of a small number of priests - and thus, however imperfectly, indicating disapproval of it - such behaviour was absolutely endemic, with major figures in that world publishing academic studies, used for many years in the training of social workers, which presented it as positively beneficial to both parties and therefore actively to be encouraged?

Will Tatchell interview anyone from the Police, who long ago stopped enforcing the age of consent from 13 upwards, perhaps even asking them to explain for exactly whose benefit they adopted the present approach, a question also hanging over their non-enforcement of the drugs laws?

And will Tatchell interview anyone from Channel Four, the dramatic output of which has waged, and continues to wage, a relentless campaign in favour of sex between men and teenage boys? Remember, we own Channel Four.


  1. Brilliantly put!

    I sincerely hope that Thatchell's research will bring him to the conclusion that Pope Benedict is the greatest leader we have in the world today.

    We (catholics in the UK) certainly need to be proactive and send him writings of The Pope, as well as praying for him that he will see the light

  2. The answer to all questions will be 'no'.

    That is not surprising.

    What is more surprising is that so few people are asking the questions.
