Monday, 5 May 2008

Wendy, Where's My Country?

Following the "revelation" that three quarters of Labour peers and half of Lib Dem ones have the wit to recognise that devolution has weakened the Union, Wendy Alexander is calling for an independence referendum in Scotland, believing that the No campaign would be successful.

Of course it would be, which is why no such referendum will be held while there is breath in Alex Salmond's body. But the real point is that the United Kingdom is my country, which no one has the right to take away from me. Assuming that there can be such a referendum at all (and there is a very strong case that the United Kingdom belongs to the whole British People, past, present and future), then it must be held throughout the United Kingdom acting as an indivisible whole.

There is, in point of fact, no state in the United Kingdom except the United Kingdom, and no nation except the British nation. That anyone might want something else to be the case does not make it so.


  1. But dear boy we don't want to play by your rules anymore...get over's time we went our own way and possibly begin to respect each to whether you English have the right to vote in a secession election - what absolute trollop.

  2. Like if the Ottomans said that there was no Bulgarian, Serbian, Greek etc nations.

    There is only one nation, an indivisible Ottoman Emperor ruled by his imperial majesty the Sultan and Caliph.

    And no infidel rebel dogs will destroy the unity of the Empire. One nation, many faiths under the merciful protection of the Sultan, Allah's representative on Earth, spiritually descended from the Prophet Mohammed, peace be to his Name!

  3. We British, Anonymous. There is no state called Scotland (or England). There is no nationality called Scottish (or English). And so forth.

    There is probably no one in Scotland without either a close relative, or a spouse or partner's close relative, in England. Indeed, a very high proportion of the Scottish population was actually born in England. There are also several million Scottish-born people living in England, and vast numbers here with family ties to Scotland. The SNP's shortbread tin fantasy country is just absurd. It simply does not exist.

    What becomes of the United Kingdom is a matter for the whole United Kingdom. Only Westminster can legislate for a referendum anyway, and Brown has effectively ruled that out at PMQs today. He has adopted the far more sensible approach that Scottish nationalism should be ignored until it goes away. The Tories were much more popular in Scotland when that was their line, and Brown clearly wants to fill the gap that they have left.

    The Aberdonian, on being presented to the Queen, the novelist Robert Graves (of 'I, Claudius' fame) told her that they "shared an ancestor in the Prophet Muhammad". He was hustled away, but I'd be fascinated to know if he was telling the truth.

  4. "there is a very strong case that the United Kingdom belongs to the whole British People, past, present and future"

    Is there? I'd be really interested to see it, because it's difficult to see how it could possibly stand up.

  5. Chestertonian as ever, David. Keep it up.

  6. Marked by a cross, Anonymous. Marked by a cross.

  7. Even hardened Tory Gerald Warner claimed that the Queen was descended from the Caliphate and was connected to the prophet.

    It might be added that the same response might come if it was pointed out that the Queen is part black through Queen Charlotte, spouse of George III. She is descended from the "mixed" Portugese royal line through her. Charlotte when she was younger was said to have "negroid" features.

    There is a sort of legal definition of a Scot by the way. The High Court of Justiciary claims the right to try any Scot who commits murder, kidnapping or hijacking anywhere in the world.

    How they define a Scot I am not sure.

  8. Let's hope that you never have cause to find out.
