Sunday 26 November 2023

Quas Primas, Indeed

Right up there with the restoration of Corpus Christi to its proper day, as kept by the Pope, is the need to end the widespread persistence in this country of the practice of effectively ignoring this Solemnity of Christ the King by holding instead something called “Youth Sunday”, which has nothing to do with the readings, and which largely consists of making youths do what their Boomer grandparents thought that they should want to do.

Next year, this Solemnity of the Social Reign of Christ is likely to fall either just before or, less probably, just after the second General Election in a row. Yet there is presumably every intention of handing over the Liturgy to, in some cases, small children, for whom there are also special Eucharistic Prayers that need to be banished. We are at last to have the Lectionary in English. That will be the ideal opportunity to put a stop to this nonsense once and for all. We are already never going to hear the Happytudes again.