Tuesday 29 March 2022

She Had No Authority There

I was a Parish Councillor for many years, and I have said this from the start about Jackie Weaver. She is everything that is wrong with this country.

The men whom she shut down were elected members. She was some sort of support staffer; it is not even clear why she was there.

But of course she took over, out of an overwhelming sense of her own entitlement, and out of a well-founded expectation of her own way.

That is what public sector middle-class women have been doing to Britain ever since the economic changes of Thatcherism created them as a class.

Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party was a partial exception, so look what they did to him. Mind you, he let them.


  1. Her response to the report has been disgraceful.

    1. Fawning "interviews" deliver what they are intended to deliver.
