Saturday 26 October 2019

Dos Tua Virgo Pia Haec Est Quare Rege, Maria

Astonishing scenes in Newcastle for the visit of Our Lady of Walsingham. Through Her, He came to us, and through Her, we came to Him. Not even 48 hours, but the fruits will be borne for a generation, probably for two, and possibly for three. Praise God.

On Sunday 29th March 2020, when England is rededicated to Our Lady as Her Dowry, then the Bishops should also establish the Feast of Saint John Henry Newman as a Holy Day of Obligation, and restore Corpus Christi to its proper day, the day on which Richard II presented England to Our Lady as Her Dowry at Westminster Abbey in 1381.

That would be a start, anyway. By the recent canonisation of a man who was still alive when the present Pope's grandparents were born, England and English have been recognised, not only as a land and a language of people who died for the Faith a long time, but as a land and a language in which the Faith is written in the modern age. Let these be the glory days of the Church in this land.

And let not your hearts be troubled by anything to do with the Amazon Synod. Those who do not believe that Our Blessed Lord ever uttered His Commission to Saint Peter, much less that Saint Peter ever set foot in Rome, are seeking to invoke the Successor of Peter's universal ordinary and immediate episcopal jurisdiction, in which they do not believe, in the knowledge that those of us who did believe would be obliged to submit. Well, the Holy Father knows their game. And the Holy Spirit knows their game.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see a renewed effort to canonized King James II.
